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  •  JUNE 10th, 2022
    Last Date to Submit Applications


  • JUNE 13th, 2022
    General Acceptance Letters Sent


To obtain our 2.7 CEUs we need to start this workshop in advance of the weekend. This also gives us a chance to get to know each other and get logistics out of the way. This will be fun! We will be creating simple intro videos so we can get to know each other in advance, we will be performing songs, giving POSITIVE feedback, completing some needed review, and we will be blogging and chatting before the workshop begins!  Of course we have to cover some logistics and rules to keep us on the same page and all of that happens here in the online content. The goal? Develop a relationship, cover logistics, finalize a review, and get some feedback in before you even arrive! This gives us all the CEUs we want, plus let's us jump into the fun stuff minute one. Sounds good? Here are a few dates to keep in mind:


  • JUNE 24th
    Submit personal intro videos


  • JULY 3rd
    Online content opens


It's time to get together! Everyone wants glossing and tons of hands up time and this is where it happens! We will arrive Thursday, eat and bond, then Friday morning we hit it hard, and we START with GLOSSING! We get that out of the way in the early parts of Friday, then by Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we are up and moving. The plan is to practice with canned and live music. Currently we have a new artist scheduled to come whose mad skills will stir your soul! We just might have a speaker for you all as well just to give you a few minutes of sit down time. This is a very active workshop so get some sleep before you arrive!


  • JULY 20th 
    Attendees arrive by 4 PM CST

    6:00 PM Van Picks Up Attendees at Hotel
    7:00 PM Welcome Dinner 
    9:30 PM Back to Hotel


  • JULY 21st

    8:00 AM Van Leaves Hotel
    8:30 AM Workshop Begins
    Lunch on site 
    5:30 PM Workshop Ends 
    5:45 PM Van Leaves for Hotel
    Dinner on your own (The hotel is located near restaurants or attendees can eat in their hotel rooms. Attendees are welcome to Uber/Lyft to downtown for some Nashville
    nightlife experiences)


  • JULY 22nd

    8:00 AM Van Leaves Hotel

    8:30 AM Workshop Begins 
    Lunch on site 
    5:30 PM Workshop Ends 
    5:45 PM Van Leaves for Hotel
    Dinner on your own (The hotel is located near restaurants or attendees can eat in their hotel rooms. Attendees are welcome to Uber/Lyft to downtown for some Nashville
    nightlife experiences)


  • JULY 23rd

    8:00 AM Van Leaves Hotel

    8:30 AM Workshop Begins 
    Lunch on site 
    4:30 PM Workshop Ends 
    4:45 PM Van Leaves for Hotel
    7:00 PM Van Leaves for Goodbye Dinner

  • JULY 24th
    Head home (Reminder: Please schedule flights AFTER 7 AM if possible) 





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