Samantha Terzis CI/CT
Religious institutions as diverse. Their administrations and leaderships are diverse as well. How do interpreters navigate the waters of these unique opinions, so often when they are filled with well intended prejudice. This portion of the workshop tackles the how to's of working with individuals of power in religious settings.
The Code of Professional Conduct is our guiding document as interpreters. In Bible based churches the Bible becomes the focus. Do the two conflict or is there room to support both? How do interpreters balance the challenges of working as a professional and as a Christian. It's a challenge that we tackle at BWL.
This topic takes on a whole new life in religious settings. Color choices, the amount of skin showing, and unique traditions in religious settings all make for challenges when managing attire. This portion of the workshop helps interpreters to balance church ethics with professional standards.
Where should the interpreter be located? Should he/she sit or stand? When should the interpreter move or alter their presence? These are all good yet tough questions and this section of the workshop resolves those issues quickly.
This abbreviated technical section mentions some of the equipment interpreters should use to make the experience of interpreting in religious environments go more smoothly.
To worship or NOT to worship? Should you stare down your consumers or look up at the sky? How should interpreters handle their translations? Should interpreters "perform" or just "translate" lyrics. There are so many questions, and we will tackle many of them in this particular section of the workshop.
Should you ever have more than a single interpreter on stage? If so... when? What should team interpreters be doing? We will find out here in this abbreviated teaming section.
It's time to get your hands in the air! From simple worship songs to complicated performance songs, this section allows interpreters to practice their skills as religious interpreters.
"Holy Spirit fall on me, flow through my heart and change my life..."
"He is the rock of my salvation, the keeper of my faith"
"You are my refuge and my strength"
How do you Sign complicated Christian lyrics? If you want to make your Bible based translations clear, this is your one stop shop. We will discuss the many complicated phrases used in Christian music, in churches, and in alternative Bible based settings.
GATE COMMUNICATIONS is a member of iCRID. ICRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. These Professional Studies programs are offered for the CEU’s listed at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level
Just for fun...
Let's test what you know.
Interpret the song you see below without looking at the hints listed below it. Once you are done, read the topics to consider and see how much you included while you were interpreting.
STEP 1: Interpret the song (note this will be a tough translation without knowing the meaning ahead of time).
STEP 2: Let's stop and consider some important aspects of the song:
Did you worship? You are the conduit for the Deaf consumer to be able to worship. If you aren't worshiping, than neither were they. You become the worship leader for he Deaf.
Did you lift your hands during breaks? This is a huge part of this type of worship concert. The artist is lifting her hands, so you need to as well. It draws the consumer to that intimate place of worship just as it does for the Hearing.
Did you stare at the crowd? The worship leader is looking at God. If you are going to match her affect you too need to look up or close your eyes. Don't stare at your consumers at a worship concert. It will force them to think about you and not God.
Did you let yourself get emotional? The greatest worship leaders let themselves go. You need to let your emotions go when you interpret worship. Let yourself feel the presence of God, let Him fill your spirit. If you do, it is powerful. Now not all worship services are intimate. Some are very disconnected. When you are in a disconnected environment you need to model that as well. You are just a shadow of what is happening on stage whether that is connected or not.
This is just a TASTE of what we will cover. This workshop is packed... PACKED with information (just look at the topics to the left!) It's funny, but it's full. Hope you will join us!