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1) Workshop Binder

Each attendee will receive a special binder loaded with notes and information broken down by workshop day. These unique binders are gems to keep!










2) Visiting Guests

Nashville is an incredible place to hold a musical interpreting workshop! Here we have access to Nashville based performers who are some of the best in the business. 


3) Workshop Venue

We are blessed to have Deer Park Camp as a venue. Deer Park is a beautiful Christian based camp site on the outskirts of Nashville. As far as we know, no other interpreting workshop has been held on a retreat site, so this is a unique and extra special treat. 


4) Experienced Presenters

Our presenters, which change annually, are skilled and successful people in their field. Some will be presenting in the day time and there is a possibility one or two might be presenting in the evenings in a casual environment. 


5) Live Practice & Evaluation

This workshop is more than just a note taking event, this is an active workshop with daily live practice and evaluation. Don't worry, we will give you lots of tips for changing how  you sign, but we will do it in a lovey supportive environment. 


6) Deaf Input

We will have Deaf individuals live and on video providing direction and feedback for attendees. This input from the consumers themselves is invaluable!


7) In-depth Teaching

It's one thing to attend a brief workshop on worship interpreting, but it's another to attend a week-long in-depth all inclusive workshop. This workshop does far more than scratch the surface of how to interpret Christian music, it delves into the theories of performance interpreting, then works intensively on technique, style, skills, facial expression, body language, etc. It's a career altering workshop series.


8) Spiritual/Character Development

Interpreting worship is about far more than translating. It requires a change of the heart. We all come with hopes, dreams, goals, fears and maybe a whole lot of baggage. This is where we step out and strive to heal the broken parts of ourselves, and get real with God.


9) Leadership Mentoring

There are very few individuals working in churches and in concert settings that are well trained leaders. No place are those skills more critical than in a religious setting. We are going to provide you with information which can help you redefine what being a leader is. 


10) Give-Aways

This is a workshop! And what is a workshop without give-aways! Yes daily attendees will receive door prizes, gifts, and memorabilia. That's just a perk we couldn't deny!










11) Family Environment

Let's face it, interpreting is intimidating. Our goal is to create an environment which allows participants a safe and free place to learn these skills, succeeding and hitting rough patches with no worries of condemnation or criticism from attendees. We want this to be an amazing experience which will impact your heart as much as your career for a lifetime.


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